Finally Tap Into Your Infinite Source of Creation and Magnetically Attract Your Desires - Without Meditation, Hypnosis or Endless Affirmations
If you’ve ever been told to “live in the moment” but didn’t know how to do it, keep reading to discover a simple 3-step system that automatically...
- Brings your mind into the NOW and floods your body with positive energy and emotions (It takes as little as 60 seconds and works every time - no matter how stressed out, upset or “down” you feel)
- Raises your attraction-point vibration so you become a lightning rod for pulling into your life exactly what you want (and leaving behind what you don’t want)
- Sends you to a state of positive attraction and frees you from the past so you can finally manifest the dreams you’ve been waiting for
- Best of all you can use this technique any time, in any situation, in as little as 60 seconds (And you don’t need any fancy audio CD’s, meditation skills, or a visit to an ashram).
Dear Friend,
Here’s a secret most Law of Attraction gurus don’t talk about:
In the “now” we have the power of infinite creation - which means living in the now is the real key to attracting what you want
Let me explain...
As you know, we are always attracting.
And the Law of Attraction states that what we give our attention to - what we focus on in the moment - determines what we create.
If you focus on struggle, your NOW (and your life) will be full of struggle.
If you focus on ease, your NOW will be full of ease.
The problem is that most people (and I lived this way for years) spend the bulk of their lives, their days, their moments burdened by feelings of guilt or pain from the past, thinking about their problems, or feeling unsure, stressed and worried about their future.
Their now - what I call their “point of creation”- is clouded with thoughts and negative feelings that create more of what they don’t want.
They don’t know how to end the cycle of struggle because controlling their thoughts, letting go of the past and staying in the now seems like such a hard thing to do. (It can be almost impossible, really - unless you know the secret I’m going to share with you here on this page)
And that’s why many of the people teaching the Law of Attraction choose to downplay the critical role of living in the NOW
Getting a mind focused on the moment is hard for people to do and most programs don’t have any easy solutions.
Fortunately I discovered a way to be in the now that is so easy most people are shocked at how effortless it is to “live in the moment”.
Which means once you know this secret...
You can anchor your thoughts “in the moment” and activate your positive attraction potential any time you want...
And that’s exciting because your ability to turn your finances around quickly, manifest your desires, and experience true happiness, peace and creativity comes from living in the NOW.
When you let go of the past, forget about anxiety and stress about the future and put yourself in a positive, energized state, you create an unstoppable Point of Attraction that will bring you anything you want.
Ok, I know, you may be thinking, this all sounds nice, but “living in the moment” is easy to say and much harder to do.
And a few years ago I would have agreed with you 100%. But stick with me and I’ll explain how you can…
- Easily put your mind into the now
- Activate a positive state of attraction
- Experience daily moments of unlimited potential
Any time you want and in as little as 60 seconds.
Like you, I remember reading or hearing people say “Live in the moment” and I would (mentally) shout back...
“Ok, fine - but HOW?!”
We intuitively understand that it’s the now (not our past or future) where miracles are born and where we are most powerful and effective.
However, if you’ve ever tried to meditate or focus on a mantra or “control” your thoughts - you know getting our brains to be “in the moment”, free of the past, feeling positive, optimistic, empowered and excited (all essential for creating a bright new future)...
Is one of the hardest things in the universe to do!
Until now
People go on life-long spiritual quests to learn how to live in the moment. They spend years meditating and focusing to quiet their mind. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
But personally, when I needed to make a change and turn my own life around, I didn’t want to wait years or even months to learn how to control my mind.
I knew that living in the moment held the key, but I needed to find a solution that would work fast and put me on a new path quickly.
That’s why I was thrilled when I discovered...
A simple shortcut to put yourself in the now, activating your ability to manifest and experience profound joy and happiness
The best part is that it was so EASY (once I figured it out), that I noticed the results in my life immediately.
Now I’d like to share it with you.
My name is Kristen Howe, and the discovery that changed my life came at a time when everything in my world had gone down hill...
I had almost run out of money, I was up to my eyeballs in debt, my relationships were suffering, and my energy and mood were at the lowest of lows.
I was at the end of my rope with no hope in sight.
Like many people, I had been studying the Law of Attraction and other success materials, searching for the secret, the key that would bring me wealth and happiness.
But I couldn’t put the pieces together. My acting career was in the dumpster (even though a short while before I was on Broadway), and I was walking dogs earning $300/week.
I had all these “problems” and my mind was consumed with trying to solve them.
(Maybe you can relate)
No matter how hard I tried to find a solution, nothing improved. My income stayed embarrassingly low, my debts rose, and my self esteem and confidence were battered and beaten.
My breakthrough finally came when I realized something profound...
When you move your mind into the “now” - all your problems vanish
Sure, I was still in debt - but when I focused on the moment, I didn’t feel badly. And in that new, positive state, I started attracting real solutions. Inspired ideas would pop into my mind. And when I took action on those ideas, the results were like magic.
It was as if being in the “now” gave me access to a higher power, a window to work miracles that were badly needed in my life.
And when I realized that “being in the moment” was the path to freedom, I went on a quest.
I wanted to figure out how to make it easier to “find the moment” and stay there long enough to get inspired, feel better, and more importantly clear the mental space needed to attract my desires.
Before this I was so focused on my problems, I was attracting more problems. But now I was in the moment, those problems were “gone” and I was attracting people, money and other resources that led me out of the darkness.
Through a combination of intuition, research, hard work and constant experimenting I figured out a way to get myself “in the now” any time I wanted
And it was so simple.
What I found was a way to tap into a natural response in our minds that releases negative emotions and gets us focused on the NOW.
It wasn’t hypnosis or NLP. (I had studied both, and this was much easier and faster. No training required).
Once I understood how to get in the now, I shifted to a positive, empowered place that let me find solutions I needed...
A few years later I was financially free.
NOW it’s your turn
Are you ready to experience the profound changes that happen financially, emotionally and spiritually when you discover how to put yourself in the moment any time you choose?
Before we go on, let me put your mind at ease...
You don’t have to “live” in the moment to see profound changes
I wasn’t in the moment all the time when I made my turnaround (far from it).
Instead, I created a simple process to “shift into” the moment several times a day and in these quick little “now” vacations I re-charged my energy, got positive, and sent out a clear signal to the universe of exactly what I wanted. All in under 5 minutes.
Even during intense emotional moments, you can use my system to re-connect with your power and let go of negativity immediately.
And the more you do this, the better you feel and the faster things change.
It works for everyone
When I started coaching people, many of my clients were stuck in their lives, had fears and anxiety about the future and were struggling financially or in their careers.
So I began sharing with them the same steps I used to get myself into the NOW and change my life.
The results were immediate and dramatic
Everyone I showed this process to came back with positive, rave reviews. They were getting great results, and I was getting letters and emails filled with heartfelt “thank you” messages.
And I had an “AHA” moment…
Here I was, holding the keys to the kingdom, having discovered the simple secret for shifting into the now “at will” - a process that releases negative emotions, frees people from the past, relieves anxiety about the future and accelerates the effects of the Law of Attraction. And only a handful of people were benefiting from it!
That had to change, and I made a decision.
I went through all my notes and put together the most straight forward approach possible using the same techniques that I had seen work personally and with my clients
Then I went into the recording studio and recorded a brand new program called:
In “Unlock The Power Of NOW!”, I walk you through the 3 steps to quickly and easily bring your mind into the present moment, forgetting your problems and struggles and creating positive feelings that act as a springboard to manifest what you desire.
The core of the program is captured on 5 audios which I have made available to download as MP3 files.
It doesn’t take long to master this process. That’s one of the benefits - you can put this system to use TODAY.
On these recordings...
Everything you need to Unlock the Power of Now is explained in an easy, step by step way
There is nothing complicated or difficult about this. You’ll know exactly what to do and be able to immediately access your source of infinite creation.
In addition to the audios, you also get a written PDF transcript of all the recordings.
Every word of the program is written down, making it easy for you to reference and review at any time. You can print out the transcripts, read them and highlight the parts that stand out for you.
In this program you’ll discover that…
When you choose to enter the NOW, it changes the emotions you are attaching to the moment. which changes your experience - and more importantly, It changes your point of attraction from a negative one to a positive one.
All the signals you send out to the universe are positive, aligned with your desires, and clear.
Activating the power of “now” is like lighting up the runway for your manifestations to land quickly and smoothly.
And because the key to success is returning to the “now” regularly throughout the day, you also get my...
Power of Now - Infinite Creation Cards
These professionally designed cards give you the 3 steps for entering the NOW. Print them out to use as reminders to live in the moment.
Simply read the card to get back on track creating what you want instead of what you don’t want.
I personally keep my cards in my pocket, desk, car, on my bathroom mirror and refrigerator. The idea is to have as many cards as you can in as many places as you can. So when you see them and read the special message, you get snapped back into the NOW.
And that’s not all, because when you order today you also get...
3 Bonus Power Audios
These audios were specially recorded to enhance the concepts presented in the “Unlock the Power of NOW!” program and reinforce your journey to living a life surrounded by positive manifestations.
As you listen to each of these audios, the ideas presented will “click” and become part of your thinking.
Bonus Power Audio #1: The Power of Thought |
Bonus Power Audio #2: The Power of Focus |
Bonus Power Audio #3: The Power of Expectation |
These Power audios alone are a $297 Value and are yours FREE today, when you purchase your copy of “Unlock the Power of NOW!”
What’s a fair price for a program that gives you a lifetime of “NOW” moments?
I’ve thought long and hard about this.
Until now the only way to get this information was through my private coaching sessions.
My clients invest $5,000 for 12 sessions, which means they pay $416/hour to learn how to use my “Unlock the Power of NOW!” Infinite Creation process.
In fact, they only received pieces of the system. It wasn’t until I recorded this program that I put it ALL together in one place.
So you could say that $400 is a fair price since you’re getting MORE than what my clients received.
BUT I have a mission. And, as one my valued subscribers, you benefit...
Get the entire “Unlock the Power of NOW!” program for ONLY $67
In exchange for this amazing price, all I’m asking is that you send me an email with your testimonial of the amazing results you get when you start spending more of each day in the moment.
Test Drive “Unlock the Power of NOW!” for 2 MonthsMake sure it delivers everything you need to escape the past and create a brilliant future or you don’t pay a single penny! | |
Take the program for a spin and discover my secrets for living in the NOW. Put them to use and actually see results BEFORE you commit to keeping it. You must be absolutely convinced or simply email my customer support team and I’ll refund every penny you paid, no questions asked. |
No other program teaches you this simple, easy to follow process for making profound and lasting change in your life.
I’ve never found anything like it (and I spent years searching).
Now it’s your turn - when you “Unlock the Power of NOW!” you will discover that you truly have access to the source of infinite creation and you will be on your way to the life you desire.
So let me ask you this…
What do you want your NOW to be?
Simply CLICK HERE to get instant access and “Unlock the Power of NOW!”
Life Mastery Is Yours!
Kristen Howe
P.S. Did you know that being in the “NOW” puts you in perfect alignment with your desires?
If you want something (a new car, for example) and there’s a part of you that feels you can’t afford a new car, or you don’t deserve a new car, or driving around in a shiny new car isn’t very “spiritual” - then you have an internal conflict.
In short, you are out of alignment with your desires.
Here’s the secret and the solution...
The source of that conflict - the thoughts emotions and feelings that go against you getting a new car (or meeting your soul mate or becoming a millionaire) - can only be from your PAST.
Get it?
Any internal conflicts or self sabotage keeping you from living the life you want can ONLY be a part of your past.
In the NOW, in this moment - there is no past, so there are no conflicts to get in the way of your manifestations.
Put simply, the more time you spend in the “NOW” the faster and more consistently you will attract what you desire.
Being in the "NOW" not only frees you up from negative feelings, you eliminate the counter-intentions and unconscious conflicts that keep you from attracting what you want.
CLICK HERE to get instant access to the new “Unlock the Power of NOW!” program for ONLY $67